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Shampoo, comb, cut, color, style and dress up very cute animals: cat, dog, rabbit and sheep! Don’t keep them waiting! These cute and fluffy animals ar

35.27 MB

Do you know the chemical formula of glycine? Amino acids are building blocks of proteins and peptides. Thus, the knowledge of their structures and nam

8.53 MB

"Alphabet Kids : Letters Writing Games" The game has line works, lowercase letters, uppercase letters and numbers. Appropriate characters in each draw

13.98 MB

Our goal is to learn with fun and games that is an easy way to learn for toddlers and kids. The new way to game-based learning to educate our children

22.77 MB

pharaoh kingdom treasure Egyptian history and culture dates back thousands of years to the era of the ancient Pharaohs. Loaded with traditions and val

17.72 MB

Enjoy a memorable puzzle game where everyone can enjoy easily and easily! Get in touch with real-time global users via Google login! ★★ Game Features

5.04 MB

✔✔✔ Feel extreme hill climbing madness playing the top addictive game. Download free the newest Best Monster Truck Climb Up game on your phone and beg

104.07 MB

Kids Computer - Preschool Learning Activity is an educational application with multiple types of entertaining games that helps children to learn.Kids

15.94 MB

Have you played this new superhero open world game? The good thing is its open world with superpowers. You might have never experience this before. Wh

117.66 MB

1. 초성퀴즈의 간결한 게임방식에 2. 있다없다 퀴즈의 상상력을 자극하여 3. 훨씬 더 재미있는 게임이 되었다. 4. 초성퀴즈 재미요소와 있다없다퀴즈의 재미요소를 더했다. * 퀴즈공작소 MD추천퀴즈이며 개발자가 제일 아끼는 퀴즈 * 인기있다고 생각되었을때 지속적인 업데

16.95 MB

마력을 흡수하는 능력이 있어 항상 마법사에게 마력을 뽑히며 사는 '마력충'이 있었습니다. 마력충은 숲 속 몬스터들에게 억울함을 토로하며 마법사에게 항의하는 것을 같이 도와달라고 했습니다. 그러나 마법사는 항의를 알아들을 수 없었으며, 몰려오는 몬스터와 마력충으로 스태프

66.43 MB

■ストーリー 寝る前に脱出ゲームをするのが日課の俺。 だけどある日突然、脱出ゲームの世界に閉じ込められてしまった!? 謎を解けば元の世界に帰れるのだろうか…? ----------------------- 昔ながらのオーソドックスな脱出ゲームです。 ヒントと解答がメニューから見られるので、 隙間の

1.95 MB

平行世界相交,传说中来自异世界的水手服少女真的可以拯救这个世界吗?她是打开封神世界真相的钥匙,还是说,一切只是一场彻头彻尾的阴谋?她的命运就掌握在你的手中! 【异世界物语的身份之谜】 水手服少女阴差阳错穿越时空,与神秘人交换身体,探索一个完全不同于常人认知的神样世界,剧情走向,你来选择。 【异世界B

82.69 MB

工作就輸了,可是還想玩。 沒錢花去借就行了。 賭贏之後再還錢就好。 明明負着債,卻超喜歡賭博,超喜歡陪酒妹,可是無論如何都不願去工作。 如果真的沒錢了,還能讓老婆去打工掙錢。 無論如何也不想工作的男人,玩玩鬧鬧就把欠債還清的遊戲。 每過七天“討債鳥人”就會上門要求償還一部分債務。 在還債日之前通過賭

25.77 MB

去澳門! 工作了就輸了。但是還想玩。 就算欠著錢,只要在賭場賺到了就能還債了。 那個男人仍然沉迷賭博! 這次的賭博變成了輪盤,拉霸和廿一點! 當然,和普通的賭博不同啦(笑) 雖然欠著債,太喜歡賭博,喜歡陪酒妹,但是討厭工作。 如果沒錢了,還能讓老婆去賺錢。 無論如何也不想工作的男人,玩樂生活還債的遊

31.79 MB

Solve the mermaid mystery by playing Best match 3 puzzle game.mermaid is the princess of the ocean and she hold many secret to matching 3 cons

30.61 MB

Dangerous Zombie Road Racing is a milestone in the genre of physics-based racing. Drive your car through deserts, forests, highways surrounded by zomb

24.44 MB

Feel the thrill of high-octane sport racing in Disney•Pixar’s Cars: Lightning League! Blindsided by a new generation of blazing-fast racers, the legen

77.19 MB

玩家扮演對神機關的新人,在每日討伐外界神的任務中度過,並且一步步了解事件核心的共鬥動作角色扮演遊戲 除了進行劇情推進的共鬥模式之外,最多可以進行3對3的對戰,爭取更多世界僅存不多的生存資源 所有的起點在距今十年前,首次降臨的外界神,成為了全人類共同的最大敵人。以現今的武器水平,無論是槍砲彈藥都無法對

79.89 MB

glow neon bubble glow neon bubble is classic casual puzzle game really fun to play in all time your activity bubble mania. this game is really simple

16.17 MB